Recognizing The Different Aspects Of Mental Health Problems
Mental health encompasses both physical and emotional well being. It impacts how you think, feel, and behave. It influences how successfully manage stress, relate to others, make decisions, and handle anxiety. Mental health is critical at all stages of life, starting from childhood and adolescence to adulthood. There are a variety of factors that can contribute to the development of mental health problems. These can include biological factors such as genes and brain chemistry, environmental factors such as toxins in the environment, or social factors such as negative interpersonal relationships and traumatic events. The degree to which any of these factors influence a person is dependent on their age, genetics, brain chemistry, and level of coping skills. While there is no one solution for everyone, there are a number of proven strategies to deal with each unique type of challenge. Here are some of the most common mental health problems in children and adolescents: Depression and Atten...