How to Cure Your Teeth With Menthol Therapy

Menthol therapy is a method that involves the inhalation of mentholated tea leaves. By inhaling the hot steam of mentholated tea you will be able to relive and ease the pain. Tea is a substance that has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and sedative properties and this is what makes it very useful as a pain reliever. The effects of menthol therapy are also why some smokers turn to it to help relieve their smoking cravings.

Menthol is used in different forms but the most common way people use it to relieve toothaches is through inhalation. You can buy inhalers at your local pharmacy or chemist that have menthol therapy in them. They also make tins and capsules that you can take with water. These are available from supermarkets and pharmacies.

Menthol is found naturally in peppermint and other mint oils. You can get it from eating these types of foods. It is also found in tea such as green, black and oolong teas. Menthol works by numbing the nerve endings in the tooth and so reduces the pain. When you take it to relieve a toothache, you should not eat anything for a couple of hours before applying it to your teeth.

There are different brands of toothpaste that contain menthol and these are sold in chemists, supermarkets and pharmacists. Another brand is an antiseptic mouthwash, which can be bought from any good drug store. It is an excellent remedy if you get a toothache in the evening or at night while you are asleep. If you apply it straight away after eating then it will help to soothe the pain.

Menthol is available in tablets and gels. It is a cheap remedy and you can find it in many places. Before buying any product where menthol is involved you should read the label very carefully. Many products contain this but it is very concentrated and you could end up using far more than you intended. You may end up causing an allergic reaction and this could damage your teeth.

If you have a cavity, you could fill it with toothpaste that contains menthol. This would kill any bacteria that had gone into the cavity before filling and so prevent it coming back. If you have a serious cavity then you could opt for surgery instead, but this is quite an expensive procedure. Some cavities can be filled without damaging the teeth and causing a scar.

Menthol works by killing any bacteria that have entered the tooth. This stops the bacteria getting to the nerves and causes the toothache. It also stops the bacteria entering the nerves. This means that the toothache will go away in about 15 minutes.

If you have a lot of tooth ache and the dentist has ruled out dental problems you may just have a sensitive tooth or gum area. In this case, some gentle chewing might solve the problem. You should try and avoid chewing mints and any other artificial products that contain menthol for at least a month or two. If you continue chewing mints you will irritate the gums even more and this will only make toothache worse.

You could visit a local salon to find out what is available for treating a toothache. They are able to give some excellent advice on how to deal with the problem. A common solution is to apply ice to the affected area. This can usually bring instant relief.

A few specialists even suggest using Aloe Vera gel directly on the teeth for instant relief. Aloe Vera is a wonderful plant for all sorts of things, including tooth pain. You can buy Aloe Vera gel from your local health store or even supermarket. Simply apply the Aloe Vera on the teeth for immediate relief. This should work as long as you don't eat or drink anything whilst you are taking the Aloe Vera internally.

The only problem with Aloe Vera is that you have to take it internally. This can cause stomach upset and diarrhea if you aren't careful. It isn't suitable for children and pregnant women. For adults it works, but it is best used sparingly. You can use it for minor problems, such as gum disease.


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