Is Menthol Therapy the New Skin Care Miracle?

Menthol therapy is a form of alternative medicine that has been used for over five hundred years. It is often called just 'Menthol' due to its main ingredient, menthol (a derivative of peppermint). The practice originated in the ancient Arab and Persian empires and spread into Europe during the middle ages. This was used as an analgesic and as a treatment for skin disorders.

It was also used to treat athlete's foot and ringworm. This is probably where the concept of applying the oil to the skin to ease the pain came from. Menthol has been found to have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties and can be used to treat such skin conditions as eczema and acne. Some studies have even suggested it may help to protect the immune system against infectious agents.

Because of its soothing effect, it has been used to soothe cuts and scrapes, ease aches and pains, and even heal burns and other skin diseases. A compound of essential oils, menthol is made from the leaves of the Mentha silica plant. Other compounds present in this oil include geranium oil, lavender oil, citronella oil, and others.

When you are buying this type of oil, you will also need a carrier oil to keep the menthol oil on your skin. Avocado oil is the best carrier oil to use. It keeps the oil from becoming rancid quickly and allows it to become a very effective emulsifier (that retains water and brings liquid to the surface). It also contains vitamins A, D, and E.

There are three main ways that Menthol therapy is administered. It can be directly applied to the skin, although this can cause stinging and burning sensations. You can also use an inhalant to bring instant relief from the pain. Or, you can chew the leaves of the mint plant. Direct application of the oil onto the skin is the least effective method of using Menthol to treat skin conditions.

Menthol comes in two major forms. The first one is in a preparation called inhalation oil. This preparation is used for people who have skin allergies. It is not an ideal choice for individuals with sensitive skin. The second form of Menthol that you can purchase is in a cream. It is easier to apply to the skin, but this form does not have the same properties as the inhalant form.

To use the oil topically, you should massage a small amount on the area that you want to treat. Rubbing the oil into your skin will release the healing properties. To achieve better results, you should massage it in circular movements upward and outward. You should also make sure that the oil is being absorbed by your skin.

The inhalant form is perhaps the most commonly known form of Menthol therapy. The oil is blown into the nasal passage and inhaled for about 10 seconds. It is commonly taken to help with sinus infections, headaches and other inflammation related problems. The oil has some antiseptic properties, which can be helpful when treating colds and sore throats. If you take the oil internally, you can expect greater effects than with just inhaling the oil. As with any other essential oil, the healing properties of Menthol are dependent on the amount you apply as well as the quality of the oil.

A lot of research has gone into the making of this oil. A pure form of Menthol therapy would contain all of the natural ingredients. An artificial production will not have the natural menthol components in it. The oil will also not have the same healing properties. However, you will be able to find a great number of synthetic forms available on the market.

Since the application of this oil has proven to be successful at increasing the skin's pain reducing abilities, it has become popular with athletes and other individuals who work outdoors. This oil is great for rubbing on muscle after a workout. It is a great painkiller and can also relieve other ailments when applied directly to the skin. The healing properties of Menthol can also aid in healing irritated skin. For example, if you cut yourself with a nail file, you can apply the oil to the cut and let it soak in for 20 minutes. You can then wash your hands and the cut area will be noticeably improved.

In order for you to reap the benefits of the Menthol Therapy oil you will need to find creams that have Menthol in them. These creams will then be rubbed into the skin. These creams are much more potent than your average skin care products. Therefore, if you apply regular use of these creams you will see results. If you are looking for something that is fast acting and that will give you immediate results, then Menthol is a good option to consider.


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